

I grew up in Marshall, Texas and graduated with a BFA from SMU. One of my first employment positions was as a designer for The Drawing Board in Dallas. When The Drawing Board contracted to use Jim Henson’s Muppets, I was one of the artists using the Sesame Street licensed characters on greeting cards. This circumstance introduced me to The New York Stationery Show and Children’s Television Workshop. I free lanced for them for 25+ years. That amazing adventure was a spring board into illustrating books and games for major Industry conglomerates like Random House, Simon and Schuster, Western Publishing, McMillan, Mattel, Fisher Price, and Milton Bradley. That opportunity resulted in over a hundred published books and games not only with licensed characters, but a chance to create a family of whimsical peeps of my own development. Many of them went on to become licensed themselves and represented major product Brands and National Corporate promotional images. I feel extremely fortunate to have had a successful, rewarding, and lucrative career as a Children’s Book Illustrator.

Since retiring in 2010, I am exploring an ambitious redirection into mixed media painting, primarily oil. I am attending outstanding instructional and inspirational workshops across the country. I work tirelessly in my studios in Dallas and Colorado. With boundless enthusiasm at my age, the only restriction is time. I find it impossible to retire that rewarding sense of artistic discovery I am blessed to celebrate with JOY every day.

I want my art to continue to tell imaginative stories, but this time it needs to express more than the adventures of whimsical critters in serendipitous situations. I want my subjects to mirror an expressive, soulful narrative symbolic enough for individual interpretation, but subtle enough to unleash thoughtful perspectives, opinions, and recollections. My work is a reflective insight shaped by a lifetime of memories and experiences written in a language varying in situational mood and atmosphere. I want to investigate and expose the diversities of the human spirit designated by the beauty and emotion that surrounds me. I hope to evolve into a painter that is on a poetic path to a synergy of scenic exploration, abstract definition, distinct color amalgamation, a strong design aesthetic, compositional freedom, and contemplative connection.

In 2007, Mary Grace, and her husband, Ted, purchased a home in the enchanting Community of Cordillera, Colorado. Dismounting the fascinating and rewarding art carousel, Mary Grace began advancing fearlessly into her vision of fine art exploration. She continues painting with JOY in the Valley Valley in her wonderful loft studio that overlooks the amazing plethora of mountain magic. Her kinship with Mother Nature and animals inspires her painting and elevates her creative energy that she brings back to her work in their Dallas residence.

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks

Cordillera Spirit Magazine
by Ann Schimmel, 2016

I have been an animal lover all my life. Growing up in Marshall, Texas, I enjoyed a country life collecting every critter I could love, touch, pet, ride, or save. During my 50+ years as a graphic designer and children’s book illustrator, this affection and admiration for animals permeated my career. It has been a joyful ride creating my whimsical version of God’s handiwork.

Whether these nonsensical animal reflections appeared in published books, magazines, games, corporate image promotions, advertising brands, greeting cards, billboards, or TV commercials, they originated in my imagination where I partied with all my frivolous fantasy family and loved every minute of it! Even with licensed characters I inherited from the Muppets, Sesame Street, Disney, or Barney, I was often able to slip in some of my own kooky creatures. The first Barney book, JUST IMAGINE, has my Cavalier, Clancy on the cover and on every page. She went with me to book signings and entertained the kiddos. I always included “find Clancy” when I autographed the books.

My transition from Children’s book illustrator to expressionistic impressionist oil painter has become quite a challenging journey. Fortunately, I do not give up easily and I am continuing to embrace the visual imagery and creative energy that surrounds me in Colorado. The most important thing is that, just like my illustrating days, I am still embracing and surrendering to animal images, enjoying nature, and loving every minute of it!


by David Woo and Richard Pruitt

TOP DOGS and their PETS is a diverse collection of celebrity, ne-art portraiture that parallels the well known faces of entertainment, politics, sports, and celebrities alongside the warmth and companionship of their beloved pets. It was truly an honor to be included.